Thank you .
Alhamdulilllah .
I am sure the work hard will paid off .
Breaking record Million Dollar BDM .
You think easy without work hard.
Fitnah , bad mouth here and there takyah cakap
ada yang nak membunuh aku pun
And thank you for new port folio and promotion letter .
I truly appreciate it that boss .
Rezeki anak anak yang aku tumpang rencananya .
Thank you mak & abah .
And Thank you Allah , altho I don't get his blessing from a guy by the name husband ( if he did without me notice it , too bad . As far as i'm concern you never participate on my movement and my career journey ) you still give me the highers blessing .
Thank you for hearing me everyday Allah .
ps : He don't deserved to be my part of career history . He just a statue who wanting me to falls .
He is the guy that I met who seriously look down to a woman .
Sorry but its so true .
So can you imagine that I spent my life with this type of person , but I would never give up .
I will still take care my KPI rumah tangga ( which I know syurga is far )
So woman out there don't give up . A reason why I still continue fight , because I wanted to tell world I can success without his dhoa , so long my parents , my sibling , my kids , my friend keep pray for me .
Again , As i mentioned if he felt he is part of my success , I dun feel that .