Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas party 2011

Farahdina : Why me? ( sambil tunjuk buih buih lekat kat rambut dia .. )
We walked together but twice dia kena sembur , heheh ... Its cool celebration , we hang out together without our younger son Satria .
Farok : That is differentiate between anak dara and mak dara ..
Hahaha , finally we laugh ..
We celebrating Oat's birthday in Watami before the countdown .  

So after makan , diorang nak tengok the countdown .. Pavilion was like an market , penuh dengan manusia ... Seriously macam you went to concert something like that.. I can see a lot of kakak2 and abang 2 selling the spray buih ... pavi was floated with buih. So far takda gaduh . Its fun sometimes ...

Memory Lane before we married ...

Semalaman dating ngan Oatt , This time we meet up @Roppongi's "Tokyo Midtown" with its Midtown Tower, the highest building in Tokyo.

Kali ni kami menjamu selera Kaya Toast, Oatt suka sangat makan kaya toast kt sini, sebabnya menu dan rasa kaya toast ni memang kenalah dengan tekak orang Malaysia, kt gerai ni ade jual teh tarik, milo panas, telur separuh masak, macam ala-ala menu breakfast pagi-pagi kat Malaysia tu, kami order set kaya toast ngan order nescafe tarik  panas   , padan la ngan cuaca pun ... Kering hingus I !
Yang makan beria bukan nye Oatt tapi aku siap mintak suruh order lagi tu...comel betul..bila berkawan ni, makan banyaklah, lepas acara makan-makan kami window shopping...

Cuaca punya la sejukan.. Tempreture 0' celcius .. 
Oatt ajak naik train almost one hour nak  ke grandbery Mall ..there is "La FĂȘte Tama" reflecting an image of the streets of Province in the South of France.
Yeaaaayyy nasib ada hadiah !! 

Then kitorang layan movie ... Berbeza dengan di malaysia .. Movie tickets run around 1,800yen ($1:100yen, then it will be $18). Mahal dan yang kelakarnya ticket takda perkataan sold out ye .. It just two time a day .. Dan prinsipnya siapa cepat dia dapat ... Like we have to seat on the floor , or stand which ever comfortable .. Hehe .. Jangan lupa kalau nak tgk citer omputih baca betul betul sebab depa ni semua citer omputih masuk depa alihkan suara ..and no subtitle ye ! 

Then we heading to“izakaya”. The famous Shinbashi .Japanese style bar/drinking and eat .. 

The weather is supper licious .. Sambil jalan almost 7 min to reach my place to stay .. 
Its super supper nice trip to be with and finally I said I do.. 

Happy aniversary ( and his birthday too ).. Moga sentiasa di berkati hendaknya ...

** choose not remember how long together cause I just wanna feel like yesterday we just met !

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Masa I mula mula bayar for the summer camp, I did not consult sesiapa kecuali Farok - The Boss. I just rasa that I kena hantar diorang .Dengan apa yang terjadi lately buat I sendiri menjadi takut. Dengan melihat anak anak remaja dalam paper yang macam macam jadi , I tak tahu apa pendekatan yang terbaik untuk anak anak ini.

Anak anak kita dah lali dengan bebelan ibubapa mereka sendiri. Kadang kadang method third party amat berkesan dalam keadaan sekarang ni. Lebih lebih lagi kawan adalah teman yang paling senang dipengaruhi.Tapi siapa teman teman anak anak kita manakan kita tahu. Kita berkerja mengejar hak hakiki !So I guess I rasa diorang patut pergi for "Summer Camp " this time. Their are fourteen , thirteen and twelve..Da besar , dah boleh berdikari.. Well is not like "mat salleh" summer camp. Its a place where children can experience the richness, excitement, and warmth of an Islamic environment; a place where children learn the importance of caring, sharing, tolerance, patience, and working with others. 

Masa mula mula sampai , tiga tiga moyok ,tapi bila I amek diorang tadi I can see they understand why I sent them . I just a mother who wanted them to recognized for imparting education that brings about a balance of traditional and modern values. The different about Islam and others . They are also learn for the high moral values and for their emphasis on the attainment of high academic standards.

In one of the programmed , I dapat surat dari diorang. Kata facilitator betapa ikhlasnya anak anak kami menulis. Menangis , memohon kebesaran ilahi , bertasbih mengenal rasulullah. Alhamdulillah! Takda apa yang lagi gembira daripada tahu betapa ikhlasnya mereka. Saya dan Farok was crying on that session . Insaf! Bertakafur .. malah setuju dengan kata one of the facilitator ; dulu program begini tidak berapa penting tapi dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang , dengan WiFi yang merata rata ada ni ramai antara kita tidak mampu melawan arus kemajuan itu.Insya Allah program program keagamaan sebegini mungkin bisa membentuk keperibadian mulia anak anak kita.

This is my reply to them :-

Anak anak mommy , 
I never thought to get a chance to kenal siapa kalian. Ini adalah hadiah yang paling indah. Menjaga, mendidik kalian , menyayangi kalian adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai dengan kata kata. Biar apa orang kata , seorang pun takkan paham betapa cintanya mommy pada kalian. Betapa indahnya menjadi ibu walaupun bukan melahirkan kalian.
Mommy mohon satu sekiranya apa sekalipun terjadi antara kami , kalian tetap anak anak mommy dunia dan ahkirat. Insya allah.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

choc fudge ~

Diary ,
I miss him , my best buddy . Ingat macam mana kitorang dulu . Music , Jalan -jalan , impian dan masa depan ..I wish that you dapat tengok I walaupun we both never meant to be together. Ingat lagi masa you cakap how happy you are with me although ia hanya satu frasa kata tanpa berfikir.

I miss those days when you'd call just to say "hi" or "I love you"...the days it was so hard just to say good-bye for a while.

I remember how wonderful it felt the first time , you held me in your arms-and how after all those years you still made my heart melt.

I miss the old you- and the old me . The old us that could just sit and talk for hours and laugh ... and never run out of things to say.

I remember when time simply stood still- when in each other's arms is the only place we wanted to be...forever.
I miss us as I remember how it used to be...when nothing else matter but you and me.
Are you gonna come back and make me happy again ? 

I knoe - NAY - 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ombak Rindu

I tak baca novel Ombak rindu . Tapi hati meronta ronta nak p because i like Aaron so much. Ahaks . Maybe terbawa-bawa gila watak Seth dalam Nora Elina agaknya.
I tak tahu spelling nya Hariz macam dalam novel , tapi what i'll prefer to call him Harith (that what i saw in twitter of Aaron Aziz masa promotion on Ombak Rindu.

Well I doubt if it same with the novel. yelah 2hrs mana nak cukup. Jalan cerita so so je ..
 Yang beza , I can see from Harith eyes that he does in love with Izzah.

I can say Maya Karin have works hard to make sure that she able to cope with what the audience expected. Shall credited to her. Cuma personal from me she should learn the Malay dialect therefore then baru real nak melayu kampung. Ini panggil Encik dah bunyi macam incik, overall she has done a good job!

I like Mia emila as well . she so sexy peeps in this movie. Hahaha ! Rugi siapa tak tengok ! Watak egois anak orang kaya yang selalu nak menang , litle bit klise on this .. not much idea the director has put in this character but i like it. End of the day she know what she suppose to do. Of course marah bila tahu the truth but its better isn't ... Lisa ; from the bottom of my heart u good dude!! i like it so much !!

I tulis ni pun untuk Aaron ! Wallayeiii encik you have done a good job! Benci gila masa mula mula tengok perangai Harith macam siot . Script ( tag line also very daring ) Benci jugak la tengok perangai Harith yang baran tak tentu pasal. But he kinda kind heart , kalau tak takkan sanggup beli Izzah triple than the original prizes. Ishh Jijik betul tapi end up Harith terus jadi suci dari mata dan masa itulah , kelopak mata I bergenang. Harith is such hot temper , lovely , kind and such funny man.

Cuma sensitivity cerita ini bila peminat sendiri tak tahu the different comedian yang diselit bukan untuk ketawa terbahak bahak tapi because it melancholic features just to prepares the characteristically manner.

Overall , shall i congratulate them ! you guys have done a good job! 

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