Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ombak Rindu

I tak baca novel Ombak rindu . Tapi hati meronta ronta nak p because i like Aaron so much. Ahaks . Maybe terbawa-bawa gila watak Seth dalam Nora Elina agaknya.
I tak tahu spelling nya Hariz macam dalam novel , tapi what i'll prefer to call him Harith (that what i saw in twitter of Aaron Aziz masa promotion on Ombak Rindu.

Well I doubt if it same with the novel. yelah 2hrs mana nak cukup. Jalan cerita so so je ..
 Yang beza , I can see from Harith eyes that he does in love with Izzah.

I can say Maya Karin have works hard to make sure that she able to cope with what the audience expected. Shall credited to her. Cuma personal from me she should learn the Malay dialect therefore then baru real nak melayu kampung. Ini panggil Encik dah bunyi macam incik, overall she has done a good job!

I like Mia emila as well . she so sexy peeps in this movie. Hahaha ! Rugi siapa tak tengok ! Watak egois anak orang kaya yang selalu nak menang , litle bit klise on this .. not much idea the director has put in this character but i like it. End of the day she know what she suppose to do. Of course marah bila tahu the truth but its better isn't ... Lisa ; from the bottom of my heart u good dude!! i like it so much !!

I tulis ni pun untuk Aaron ! Wallayeiii encik you have done a good job! Benci gila masa mula mula tengok perangai Harith macam siot . Script ( tag line also very daring ) Benci jugak la tengok perangai Harith yang baran tak tentu pasal. But he kinda kind heart , kalau tak takkan sanggup beli Izzah triple than the original prizes. Ishh Jijik betul tapi end up Harith terus jadi suci dari mata dan masa itulah , kelopak mata I bergenang. Harith is such hot temper , lovely , kind and such funny man.

Cuma sensitivity cerita ini bila peminat sendiri tak tahu the different comedian yang diselit bukan untuk ketawa terbahak bahak tapi because it melancholic features just to prepares the characteristically manner.

Overall , shall i congratulate them ! you guys have done a good job! 

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