Monday, May 16, 2011

Asmara ||| Love

Was talking to a friend and the question came up, what one piece of advice could I give him from this journey?To answer the question with just one idea is very difficult but the one I choose is: We all have the ability to control how we react to any and everything...

It would be easy for me to be angry, to be bitter, to be jealous, and to be in despair. However, I choose to love, to laugh, to live, and to inspire...

Today, I am a total quadriplegic with virtually no movement (take that back...I can chew). The crazy thing is if I went to a doctor for him to evaluate my lungs and diaphragm he would say, "dude, how are you still here!" Well maybe they wouldn't have said dude but it's my words.

Thank God my handbags basically keeps me breathing so that; we can enjoy our love for each other in small peaceful moments.

Thinking about this, the next time you have a bad day remember me and understand how you react - is your choice...

p/s: Understand how you react is your choice ...

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