Friday, March 3, 2017

A little things

Sebulan havent really talk .
Aku yang dituduh ego oleh kengkawan .
But for god sakes , ages aku takde ego tu .

Its maybe few time I buat perangai .
Tapi kalau ada pita tape , I nak it to be play . 
Setiap kali dia buat salah , after he say sorry - aku kena paksa diri to forget about it .
Bertahun aku hadap - aku tak redha ? 
How could it be ? 

Semalam , My colleague was asking .
Syurga ? I nak . I impikan .
But when talked about my little things its freaked me out .
But Im sure , God know best .
Allahu akbar .

Things cant work anymore .
Dulu aku a bit confuse pasal life . Pasal future .
After I fight for things I really want , I tak sampai hati . I kesiankan . Walhal takde apa apa pun . Hati allahualam . 
And today , end up aku yang sakit . ( Actually sakit bila pandang dia kat umah je ) 
And aku just wanna be happy .

Apa skit aku ada , semoga aku dapat jaga mak abah . Semoga hati aku tenang .
I didn't asked much. 
A little things - to be happy again .
Kalau ada jodoh Alhamdulillah .
Kalau takde I have to carry on my life .

After all , I'm all alone ~

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Aku nampak kau pimpin tangan dia .
Tahu .
Pimpin tangan ada dua ,
pimpin tangan sibuta , pimpin tangan sayang .

Barangkali aku silap lagi .
Takpa . 
Aku bertatih . 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hati aku !

Semua orang nak happy .
But apa itu happy .
Happy is what is make you hati happy .

Main PS4 pun buat anak I happy .
Its to subjective ! 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Silap - Semua orang buat !

 Cursing people not cool okay ~

Yes you're not cursing me . 
But seriously bila salah kena ngaku salah .

Kenapa takut .
Ive told you because kita kawan ~

Awak ,
Sombong sangat by doing that 😔 ! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rindu ~

Kau acted weird sangat lately. .
Rindu !
Sangat rindu ! .
ps : ahh rindu it just a feeling .

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kuat ~

Kadang kala aku lupa deal kita.
Aku tak kuat macam kau .
Tapi takpa , kau maybe fikir kau lagi hebat dari Nya

. .

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Syukur itu payah ~

Its was hard closing a month of Jan - ya allah paling susah to sustain . Tapi kalau tak achieve lansung pitam ! .
Aku rasa few kengkawan feel the bad impact specially in financial institutions. The needs became last need - grrrr . .
Aku was terrified feeling . Nangis dalam hati , takyah nak cakap . Nak tahan air mata tak tertahan end up nangis ! .
Keje lagi , masalah kat umah . Double strike .
So bayangkan setiap senyum tu sebenarnya pahit . - hahha ! meroyan tak aku .
Im down gila .
Sampai a friend mine called me 38 miskal and finally he sent me this .
Ya allah .
Aku mohon Nikmat syukur .
Aku meroyan terhapa hapa.
Negative aura dalam badan . .
Syukur - nampak mudah .
tapi bila marah ?
bila maroyan terhapa hapa ? .
Semua pemberian dan ketentuan dariNya pasti ada hikmah dan kebaikan untuk kita.
Kita masih mampu melakukan pelbagai perkara sebelum kita kembali kepadaNya. .
ps : Padamkan "Kenapa" dalam diri . Setiap kenapa ada soalan , dan aku pasti Dia tidak patut di soal .
Alahai jiwa - redha la !

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Allah heard you -- , Just be patient

Bila Allah duga kita maksudnya , he want best out of it . .
Kadang kadang rasa apsal susah sangat nak paham our partner , look at to our parents - what make they stay strong ? Sebab dorang tak paham each other ! .
Sebenarnya paling takut , bila berdiri kat cermin , sama macam partner kita .
Sama , kita rasa oh senang - but just think of it , how is interesting would be if dia la kawan coffee , kawan kat rumah , kawan shopping , kawan berlari . Minat bola , minat diving - all the same .
That is the reason I did not marry my best friend - seriously !
I married someone that I knew for 6 month .
(gegaran tsunami aku sama je dengan gegaran tsunami pasangan yang kawin kawan baik ) .
Relationship sebenarnya macam puzzle .
Melengkapi antara satu sama lain .
ie : kalau I xpandai masak seriously I wanna married someone good in cooking . - Melengkapi . .
Banyak benda goes hire wire sebab we want the person like us .
Kita nak dia macam kita .
Kita kononnya paham sangat natijah kehidupan .
Kita kononnya dengar advise from friends yang - haih - aku flip hair skit . .
Babe , Bila hati kita susah , bukan kawan , bukan karoke . Bukan p released stress benda yang boleh orang assume .
Kita create another masalah . - kita provoke keadaaan.
ps : Our friend cant be 24/7 with us .
Our friend is like us . That is the reason we be a friends to the person .
Friend - someone gila macam kita . Full stop . .
Why I always say escape is the best cure .
Kau akan tengok ramai orang yang kau tak kenal .
Kenal diri .
Muhasabah diri .
Pentingnya tanya diri - strong enough to say alone .
Tengok mak pak kita .
Tengok anak anak kita .
Bayangkan ~
Bersabar dan bertabahlah .
Fight your right , kalau kau rasa he is your best .
But move on kalau kau rasa - you are not his best . .
Hidup ni , melengkapi apa yang kurang . .
Fattah Amin satu je , itupun cantik di luar kot , kat dalam tak kenal pun 😃. .
ps : Tahu tak kenapa kawan kita benci partner kita ?
Sebab kita la - tell so much bad about him - spender kaler apa dia pakai semalam ?

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bismillah 2017

Warm welcome . 

The only relationship goal is to be with someone who motivates me to become a better person and see my potential "ME" that I don't see myself !

Whatever happened last night, last week, last month, last year, last few lives that left you dead over and over again;
hear this out.
Let's wake up from the beautiful dreams ...

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