Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sista,my simple message is....

Sis ,
Breaking up is never fun. The end of a relationship means the beginning of a period of mourning and healing for both people. If the break up was mutual both people will experience a period of adjustment where they are getting used to no longer being together. If the break up was not mutual the person who ended things may be dealing with guilt and feelings that they may have made a mistake. The person being broken up with will definitely have to adjust, first to being rejected and second to life without somebody they still care for. How do you get through those first few weeks? Here we list eight essential things everybody must do in the early days of a break up to let the healing begin.

When you called me and told me that you ex now with his ex. It keep smiling until to my ear. Did you know there 10 list principle we shouldn't when we broke up and one of it is :-

~ Don’t slip up and get together with your ex. When you are feeling sad or missing a relationship it can be very easy to fall back in to the arms of your ex but DO NOT DO THIS. This will only set you back and let’s face it, if things ended the relationship wasn’t perfect to begin with so why would you want to rekindle things?

Babe ,

my simple message is :-
Maintain a strict no contact policy and stick with it. Don’t pass notes through friends. Don’t make any calls. Stay away from instant messaging or texting on your cell. Just don’t contact your ex until you are totally and completely sure you no longer want to be with him or her. It is the only way.
MOVE YOUR ASS !! look something better in real life ..

If they don't say "I love you, too," it's still okay. You're better off revealing your feelings than hiding them and getting hurt down the line. Besides, just because someone doesn't love you right this instant doesn't mean they won't feel it later on.

i do love you ... xoxo

1 comment:

Adine M said...

inspite by someone who just broke up ! dont worry one day u will fine someone who love you more than anyone else ...

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