Saturday, February 25, 2012

Taman sari , Jogja

Guard house
Rush of water, the beauty of ancient architecture and stunning views make Taman Sari is very fascinating. The streets and buildings to make full secret of Taman Sari will continue in visit.
Well we hired the so call interpreter for this two places . Reason ; I did not read about the history of the both places so I find that rp100,000 is reasonable to pay ! :p

Taman Sari dibangun pada masa Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, pembangunan dimulai pada tahun 1758 M dan selesai pada tahun 1765 M.

The buildings on the side is where the musicians and in the middle of the stage where the usual set of dancers show their skill and flexibility

Approaching the swimming pool

In addition to pots and rooms private Sultan

the tower is composed of three-storey teak ladders are still kept intact until the antique effect for anyone who sees it.
A pot where the wives of Sultan mirrored stand still intact when we enter the sanctum tower Sultan. Ornaments that decorate the pot to give effect to that which is glamorous as well as the Sultan wardrobe
Imagine, 200 years ago a beautiful woman waiting for the water in this pot to calm and he bowed his head, fix makeup and bun, while for his philosophic mirror Up to the top floor, sun reflection from the pool area underneath and around the Taman Sari seen clearly. Sultan earlier may also enjoy the view from up here, a view of Taman Sari is still complete with artificial lake and the flowers are fragrant scent...

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