Thursday, March 29, 2012

Terukir di bintang giteww

To most of the peoples FRIENDSHIP is much like a human companionship. They often feel the friends annoying and believe they can live without a friend. I am not talking here about relatives or partner but a person termed simply "a friend". But they sometimes forget that this human companionship as they think is friendship is of very much importance.........

Its depend on intensiti persahabatan .. what is friendship to us at first place..

Of course the first thing that would come in our mind is the question entitled the section.
Once one friend of mine said that friendship is a pact made between two people to help, to share, to respect and to trust each other through rest of the life. This is somewhat a technical illustration of friendship but it encompasses a deep meaning which designate you as a friend in someones life ...

We our selves yang dapat rasakan kehangatan persahabatan is syarat yang mencukupi untuk memenuhi maksud itu.. "friendship" or i like to be called as
companionship.. ( As i said earlier we the one who determine that frinedship tu kan )

Berkawan, keluar dengan mereka dan melihat sendiri. Menikmati kehidupan.. therefore you know who is your real friend is ... 

p/s: Jika engkau minta intan permata ,Tak mungkin ku mampu .Tapi sayangkan ku capai bintang , Dari langit untukmu.

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