Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas party 2011

Farahdina : Why me? ( sambil tunjuk buih buih lekat kat rambut dia .. )
We walked together but twice dia kena sembur , heheh ... Its cool celebration , we hang out together without our younger son Satria .
Farok : That is differentiate between anak dara and mak dara ..
Hahaha , finally we laugh ..
We celebrating Oat's birthday in Watami before the countdown .  

So after makan , diorang nak tengok the countdown .. Pavilion was like an market , penuh dengan manusia ... Seriously macam you went to concert something like that.. I can see a lot of kakak2 and abang 2 selling the spray buih ... pavi was floated with buih. So far takda gaduh . Its fun sometimes ...

Memory Lane before we married ...

Semalaman dating ngan Oatt , This time we meet up @Roppongi's "Tokyo Midtown" with its Midtown Tower, the highest building in Tokyo.

Kali ni kami menjamu selera Kaya Toast, Oatt suka sangat makan kaya toast kt sini, sebabnya menu dan rasa kaya toast ni memang kenalah dengan tekak orang Malaysia, kt gerai ni ade jual teh tarik, milo panas, telur separuh masak, macam ala-ala menu breakfast pagi-pagi kat Malaysia tu, kami order set kaya toast ngan order nescafe tarik  panas   , padan la ngan cuaca pun ... Kering hingus I !
Yang makan beria bukan nye Oatt tapi aku siap mintak suruh order lagi tu...comel betul..bila berkawan ni, makan banyaklah, lepas acara makan-makan kami window shopping...

Cuaca punya la sejukan.. Tempreture 0' celcius .. 
Oatt ajak naik train almost one hour nak  ke grandbery Mall ..there is "La FĂȘte Tama" reflecting an image of the streets of Province in the South of France.
Yeaaaayyy nasib ada hadiah !! 

Then kitorang layan movie ... Berbeza dengan di malaysia .. Movie tickets run around 1,800yen ($1:100yen, then it will be $18). Mahal dan yang kelakarnya ticket takda perkataan sold out ye .. It just two time a day .. Dan prinsipnya siapa cepat dia dapat ... Like we have to seat on the floor , or stand which ever comfortable .. Hehe .. Jangan lupa kalau nak tgk citer omputih baca betul betul sebab depa ni semua citer omputih masuk depa alihkan suara ..and no subtitle ye ! 

Then we heading to“izakaya”. The famous Shinbashi .Japanese style bar/drinking and eat .. 

The weather is supper licious .. Sambil jalan almost 7 min to reach my place to stay .. 
Its super supper nice trip to be with and finally I said I do.. 

Happy aniversary ( and his birthday too ).. Moga sentiasa di berkati hendaknya ...

** choose not remember how long together cause I just wanna feel like yesterday we just met !

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Masa I mula mula bayar for the summer camp, I did not consult sesiapa kecuali Farok - The Boss. I just rasa that I kena hantar diorang .Dengan apa yang terjadi lately buat I sendiri menjadi takut. Dengan melihat anak anak remaja dalam paper yang macam macam jadi , I tak tahu apa pendekatan yang terbaik untuk anak anak ini.

Anak anak kita dah lali dengan bebelan ibubapa mereka sendiri. Kadang kadang method third party amat berkesan dalam keadaan sekarang ni. Lebih lebih lagi kawan adalah teman yang paling senang dipengaruhi.Tapi siapa teman teman anak anak kita manakan kita tahu. Kita berkerja mengejar hak hakiki !So I guess I rasa diorang patut pergi for "Summer Camp " this time. Their are fourteen , thirteen and twelve..Da besar , dah boleh berdikari.. Well is not like "mat salleh" summer camp. Its a place where children can experience the richness, excitement, and warmth of an Islamic environment; a place where children learn the importance of caring, sharing, tolerance, patience, and working with others. 

Masa mula mula sampai , tiga tiga moyok ,tapi bila I amek diorang tadi I can see they understand why I sent them . I just a mother who wanted them to recognized for imparting education that brings about a balance of traditional and modern values. The different about Islam and others . They are also learn for the high moral values and for their emphasis on the attainment of high academic standards.

In one of the programmed , I dapat surat dari diorang. Kata facilitator betapa ikhlasnya anak anak kami menulis. Menangis , memohon kebesaran ilahi , bertasbih mengenal rasulullah. Alhamdulillah! Takda apa yang lagi gembira daripada tahu betapa ikhlasnya mereka. Saya dan Farok was crying on that session . Insaf! Bertakafur .. malah setuju dengan kata one of the facilitator ; dulu program begini tidak berapa penting tapi dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang , dengan WiFi yang merata rata ada ni ramai antara kita tidak mampu melawan arus kemajuan itu.Insya Allah program program keagamaan sebegini mungkin bisa membentuk keperibadian mulia anak anak kita.

This is my reply to them :-

Anak anak mommy , 
I never thought to get a chance to kenal siapa kalian. Ini adalah hadiah yang paling indah. Menjaga, mendidik kalian , menyayangi kalian adalah anugerah yang tidak ternilai dengan kata kata. Biar apa orang kata , seorang pun takkan paham betapa cintanya mommy pada kalian. Betapa indahnya menjadi ibu walaupun bukan melahirkan kalian.
Mommy mohon satu sekiranya apa sekalipun terjadi antara kami , kalian tetap anak anak mommy dunia dan ahkirat. Insya allah.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

choc fudge ~

Diary ,
I miss him , my best buddy . Ingat macam mana kitorang dulu . Music , Jalan -jalan , impian dan masa depan ..I wish that you dapat tengok I walaupun we both never meant to be together. Ingat lagi masa you cakap how happy you are with me although ia hanya satu frasa kata tanpa berfikir.

I miss those days when you'd call just to say "hi" or "I love you"...the days it was so hard just to say good-bye for a while.

I remember how wonderful it felt the first time , you held me in your arms-and how after all those years you still made my heart melt.

I miss the old you- and the old me . The old us that could just sit and talk for hours and laugh ... and never run out of things to say.

I remember when time simply stood still- when in each other's arms is the only place we wanted to be...forever.
I miss us as I remember how it used to be...when nothing else matter but you and me.
Are you gonna come back and make me happy again ? 

I knoe - NAY - 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ombak Rindu

I tak baca novel Ombak rindu . Tapi hati meronta ronta nak p because i like Aaron so much. Ahaks . Maybe terbawa-bawa gila watak Seth dalam Nora Elina agaknya.
I tak tahu spelling nya Hariz macam dalam novel , tapi what i'll prefer to call him Harith (that what i saw in twitter of Aaron Aziz masa promotion on Ombak Rindu.

Well I doubt if it same with the novel. yelah 2hrs mana nak cukup. Jalan cerita so so je ..
 Yang beza , I can see from Harith eyes that he does in love with Izzah.

I can say Maya Karin have works hard to make sure that she able to cope with what the audience expected. Shall credited to her. Cuma personal from me she should learn the Malay dialect therefore then baru real nak melayu kampung. Ini panggil Encik dah bunyi macam incik, overall she has done a good job!

I like Mia emila as well . she so sexy peeps in this movie. Hahaha ! Rugi siapa tak tengok ! Watak egois anak orang kaya yang selalu nak menang , litle bit klise on this .. not much idea the director has put in this character but i like it. End of the day she know what she suppose to do. Of course marah bila tahu the truth but its better isn't ... Lisa ; from the bottom of my heart u good dude!! i like it so much !!

I tulis ni pun untuk Aaron ! Wallayeiii encik you have done a good job! Benci gila masa mula mula tengok perangai Harith macam siot . Script ( tag line also very daring ) Benci jugak la tengok perangai Harith yang baran tak tentu pasal. But he kinda kind heart , kalau tak takkan sanggup beli Izzah triple than the original prizes. Ishh Jijik betul tapi end up Harith terus jadi suci dari mata dan masa itulah , kelopak mata I bergenang. Harith is such hot temper , lovely , kind and such funny man.

Cuma sensitivity cerita ini bila peminat sendiri tak tahu the different comedian yang diselit bukan untuk ketawa terbahak bahak tapi because it melancholic features just to prepares the characteristically manner.

Overall , shall i congratulate them ! you guys have done a good job! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wishing everyone a successful and blessed 1434H. Salam Maal Hijrah :)

Home alone ! Seriously .. children's went out with his mother ; hubby working .. letto play outside ..Dengar lagu Hoobastank ! Syok meaningful ..
HIJRAH haruslah difahami sebagai berpindah dari suatu keadaan tidak baik kepada keadaan yang lebih baik.

Remember my hubby bbm was stated ; kalau tak dapat hijrah pun xpa la , janji hijrah dalam pelakuan . Insya allah baby boo ..

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hati yang terluka ...

"mencintai awak adalah kesilapan yang takkan saya ulangi !"

p/s : You don't know what you do to me you don't have a clue. You don't know what it's like to be me looking at you!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jiwanya ~

Jiwanya ini mungkin terusik.. bukan apa hatinya juga macam orang lain . Punyai perasaan ... Punyai naluri ...
Kadang kala salah ditafsir , salah pengertian .. Macam mana nak faham kalau tidak cuba belajar untuk faham..

Amarahnya sama macam orang lain , kerana dia juga punyai hati ... lidahnya juga punyai rasa.. kerana perasaannya selalunya tidak apa apa ...
Bila berkokok kesudahannya terlalu perit,
Keringatnya tidak pernah dihargai ...
Peluhnya tidak pernah berhenti ...

Jiwanya mungkin terusik tatkala hati orang lain perit .. kesudahan hatinya tiada siapa yang mengerti.. Dia sendiri tidak pasti ..
Ketawanya seolah disalah erti juga , apakah mereka - mereka ini mahu tatkala hati terusik bertanya...

Jiwanya mungkin terusik tatkala ada pula bertanya .. pasti mereka - mereka tidak faham kalau tidak masakan bertanya ; kan ?

Tapi bila jiwanya terusik bak badai menghempas ganas ; Dia ; tiada suara , ukiran senyumannya pernuh paksa...

Jiwanya mungkin terusik tatkala ada saja jari menundingnya tapi yang lebih pasti bila hak itu bukan hak hatinya...

Friday, November 11, 2011


Special kan this date .. From of the message that i have received ;
It has been for 15000000bc to reach this date ..according to mayans god has created love.
I dont said that its wrong but for love is everyday right.. Dont u think u wait till this date to show how much u love and cares the person is ? Exceptional for those who wanted or planned to get married on that date ; memang cantik pun date tu kan ...
Dah memang trend skarang ni .. Semuanya pilih date cantik ; tak kisah la falls ari apa pun kan ... Hheh

Ada lagi;-
Read this!Dalam kitab satanic the holy is satan;Mr St Wingston father satan bagitau yang 11.11.11 hari kebangkitan anak setan dan dajjal yang akan memerintah dunia dan orang akan memuja-muja pada hari keramat yg bratus tahun Wiliam satan tunggu-tunggukan .
"Sebenarnya orang tak akan tahu apakah makna tarikh tersebut malah pada hari Jumaat datangnya kami untuk menyesat semua agama islam , kristian dan buddha.Dan di mana nanti yahudi dan kami akan gembira kerana kebodohan manusia yang ada agama tapi tidak guna dengan betul . Sesungguhnya father of god satan akan terus menyesat anak-anak adam , St Mary and Crist Jesus . Maka kiamat akan muncul pada hari Jumaat dan tarikh ini bermakna untuk kami . Semperna keturunan kami 6.6.6 9.9.9 dan 11.11.11 "
Ada yang spread kata esok terjadinya kiamat, bukankah kita semua tahu dan diajar tanda tanda kiamat dan tahu tiada siapa yang diantara kita boleh preddict bila terjadinya kiamat..

Jagalah akidah kita ~

Wallahualam ...

Yang pasti dari petikan blog Ustaz Azhar Idrus
‎11.11.11 ~ nothing special except --> Today is FRIDAY ~ Specialnya tarikh 11.11.11 ~ sebab ~~> Jumaat penghulu segala hari dan pada hari jumaat juga:

1) Allah ciptakan Adam ,
2) Allah turunkan Nabi Adam ke bumi,
3) Allah mematikan Nabi Adam,
4) Pada hari itu juga ada satu saat yang tidak ada seorang hamba pun yang memohon sesuatu, kecuali Allah akan perkenankan permohonannya, selagi ia tidak meminta sesuatu yang haram.
5) Pada hari itu juga akan terjadinya hari kiamat. Tidak ada satu malaikat pun, sekalipun yang amat dekat kedudukannya di sisi Allah, langit, bumi, angin, gunung, juga lautan, melainkan kesemuanya memohon belas kasihan pada hari tersebut.
( Riwayat Hadis Muslim)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Remember when Nurul tanya , "layan citer soffiya tak ? " Geleng je kepala. Taknak la , tak jadi keje la tengok drama during magrib ni. Bergaduh ngan semua orang tau sebelum sebelum ni .. Selalu jadi issue siapa nak antar anak p tuition .. huwwwaaa .. Huh end up siapa yang gila ! aku laa .. bukan aku je semua plak tu . Ngan Imran pun jadi emo .. En Hubby tak payah la nak cakap emo nye tahap gaban !
Tengok Soffiya jadi mangsa rogol ayahnya sendiri  ; hati sayu sangat. Cerita memang mainkan semua orang yang punyai emosi .. yang punya jiwa .. sedih sangat ! Kejam .. Bila dia bunuh bapak dia sendiri , macam nak je jerit pada for those yang kena rogol ngan bapak sendiri buat benda yang sama . Ayah dia doctor yang psycho!

Logiknya jugak takkan Ilyas boleh jatuh cinta dengan dia . Dia  je maybe terlebih lebih tapi bila dia jatuh cinta dengan  Kamal adui .. bukan sebab Kamal tua . Tak logik a million air man macam gitu kan .. hahhaha .. Moral ~ neeh !! :p

Fiona is excellent. Hate her charactor so much . Tetiba tengah tengok TV aku ngomel bentak bentak kebodohan Ilyas. Apatah yang dia nak kan ... 

Episode ke 27 , aku stuck dalam jammed Kuantan ke KL . Huh ! Nasib baik ada Pae update the story , rasanya macam tengah nengok kematian Fiona .. opsss ! Jahat ya ampun . Busuk sangat hatinya .. teruk betul ...

Rasanya nak cari Johny Depp ini sure Soffiya baca quote mamat ni kan .. aku tak happy bila dia pilih Kamal . Tapi agreed with Fizo bila dengar dia kata HOT FM .. it is a fair ending. Maybe kalau Soffiya tak pregnant dia mungkin ikut Ilyas p UK kot . Tapi macam macam la director ni nak call off the story.

Ending tak best sangat .. infact he has told Soffiya not a good sign (surat yang soffiya baca tu - yang dia bagi before he left to UK) I think the main emotions/feelings that drive everybody insane .
Katanya lagi "Ujian Allah tu sama hebat dengan rahmatnya!

But for sure , masakan Ilyas tak menyayangi Fiona , tapi memang Ilyas  jatuh hati pada Soffiya .. cuma sebagai yang naive Soffiyaa menjadikan dirinya taat walaupun tak begitu setia ..

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Green Pants ~ Anak mommy dah besar

For every week when I get him back from his mother’s there are noticeable changes. He has learned new phrases, and new ways of interacting with his environment, but for sure he know that I love him than anything else. I'm not bias but watching him develop and interact with the world around him is fascinating and intriguing... His my baby ..

I'll seen the real him . I'll see him growth . 

I could hear in his voice just how sincere those words were. His understood how much I’d driven around to allow him to attend events, and without question, he was truly grateful.Instead of taking for granted the sacrifice of a parent, this child had now reached a point of maturity to be able to see the big picture and empathize with the efforts of another.

There was my son, but no longer was my baby boy. Life was now taking him down diverse paths, and he was more than ready for the new adventures. As the streams of tears somehow made their way down my cheeks, I was reminded of just how fast these treasures we’ve been given as parents grow up, and the need we have to cherish each moment with them now, as the opportunities are still there.

His ready with his green pants ! His almost 13 !

BFF !! unconditionally friendship ...

Its pretty long! Very long .. and finally I met him . It sound wooo .. or wooooww .. or whatever . But I met him in a proper dinner . Unconditionally friendship i guess.. :p
I like him once upon a time . A guys who always bare with me . Who always make me laugh during my bad day.. A guys who always make me think twice when I do things... Nope ! he's not just my boyfriend but its real friendship ~ unconditionally !
We had a talk and is all about me , and he is the same person . The only things I can see from his eyes is his getting matured and his no more mama's baby ..
what a friend for , anway?
I falls in when I dunno why it happen ..It is especially unfortunate, then, that most of us have no idea what unconditional really is.. It should be because I like him as a friend. What attracted me to him in the first place, is probably still there. He may still be the coolest person in my life journey, that reads the same things I read and enjoys talking about anything. He may still be the guy with the best sense of humor, that's happy to go to... Attached at the hip since we work together, we often joke that his and I go back like Atari. He is my walking diary. Hell, he was the first guy I fall in too without reason.He consoles me when I’m sad or hurt. He already knows everything. When something awesome or awful happens in my life I immediately I call him right after .What I wish this memory called just a path of life . Hoping no one hurts and let the feeling guide us the right direction .

Friday, October 28, 2011

Paris Alone ~

It is a real cliche but Paris took my breath away.
Obviously not a first time , but it was a first time without the kebaya on .
It was indeed the most romantic city albeit the highly recommended. Consider a part time traveler, this city was just perfect to share. It also was not bad being in a highly gastronomic city.
I recommend for travelers to walk around Montmartre at 4am to have a taste of freshly baked croissants and made-lines at the boulangerie close to the Abesses Metro. It was heaven! Just perfect! Mayb  -
p/s : Today I hate macarons ; i don't like the taste anymore!! Bagi yang gula itu pahit , sepahit sebuah kenangan ! 
I have left you for more than three years and half already. And today I am not sure what is driving me to write something on you. Well,  a lot of things has changed.
Looking to this picture it look like I'm alright yea but deep inside is really killing me .

I have just found out that Paris is not a city that you think it is. French people are not friendly, not only that, they are arrogant, snobby ; is exactly like you...( You left me like that !)

I remembered, I'm looking forward to visit Paris with you but I'm sure out of no reason you didn't turn up!
And I so proud cause I had continue the journey alone !
You have break up the rules babe !

I don't know what has drive me to write it today ,  The memories 9 years back is still unchanged ! Although when u have decided to leave me like that. You lansung tak bagitahu kenapa , dan Ill take as good .
After all we know our border line !

But the feeling being alone without my best friend make me turn up to different person today.
Take chances.
Tell the truth.
Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no.
Spend all your cash! Fall in love.
Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you.
Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke.
Get revenge.
Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell the asshole what you feel. Let someone know what they're missing.
Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE! 
hep hep hooray!!

ps: Tak mungkin aku jumpa lagi sahabat macam kau , tapi layak ke kau digelar sahabat , after all you done ? You screw thing babe !

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ohh daisy .. ek ?

Kelakar pun ada .. tapi after having lunch at Fullhouse tadi teringin nak gubah bunga sendiri .. p Festival City ada Kaison .. apo lagi terus beli..
Never like the flower pun sebelum ni. Tak suka sangat .. rumah pun cam coboy je, mana ada deco deco ala ala english ni .. tetiba plak . Kata my friend "faktor umur tu .. " hahhahaa.. inilah hasilnya .. :-

Inilah hasil gubahan pertama dari saya .. adoooiii camne leh terjebak ni ...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rindunya London !!!

Ya ampun , rindunya tetiba .. rindu nya kensington street. Rindu pada ibu jamilah . I lost her number ! Rindu nya pada kenangan ... Rindu pada bus N28/N31 which is very punctual.
We wake up on that morning after arrival we notice its --12C .. unbelievable. The trip was superb when we both decided to fly to London and we pack stuff and just go !
Lepak ngan ibu jamilah and introducing mamat itam tu buat I senyum sorang sorang. Ibu Jamilah macam nujum pak belalang .. kalau I can contacted ibu lagi , I nak cerita macam macam dengan dia .. Apa yang ibu cakap semuanya salah .. heheh .. Dongeng semata samata ..  
I missed also having coffee at Pret a Manger inside the station arcade and a Boots and Marks and Spencers if you need to grab a sandwich or a drink on your way to underground.

Tapi yang paling rindu yang amat pada Camden Town, Its in North of London  . Rindu the fresh orange yang cost me for £2. lazat nyaa .. Tambah tambah lagi when walking in the open air , baju dah macam balloon ! Bila rindu tempat camni sure orang kaitkan i rindu mamat itam itu . Rindu laa jugak , tapi xde lebih lebih .. Rindu biasa biasa je . Rindu lagi London . Apa bestnya london ek ? Biasa je , tetiba masa tengah tulis blog ni saya teringat nostalgia di London . Teringat the short term relationship .. opsss .. Ishhh bunyi cam one night stand . Hell No ! Lagi best travel happy happy dari relationship yang end up is nowhere ...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fasha Sanda ... chomel kan ?

We been talking about her from the first date. I remembered we watched her acting few years back ... I remember when farahdina told me that;
"mummy kalau dapat baby girl sure papa letak nama fasha delaila.." I love the name of delaila and my hubby so much insane towards fasha sandha.  He always said when he saw Fasha on screen "she's pretty!"
When me & LR called my hubby to take a picture with his favorite artist he was quite shocked and stunt and Fasha was sporting enough.. first time I saw Farok was really shy! there is no word come out from his mouth .. Funny isn't it ? :p
We were taking this picture when she's on the set of acting in cinta elysa .. Honestly the story that I heard in news paper a week right after we met about fasha and Johan make me not believe in that gossssip again.. As my hubby always said nama pun gossip ...
Gossip gossip ..
I tak minat Fasha.. Hell No ! cuma I kesian kan dia bila the story come out like that in the news paper. For what ever I saw and what she have is so perfect. What else she looking at now ? Came to set with a good car and personal driver cum body guard.. what else ?
For Fasha , honestly u look great on that day. Without your make up on you look so perfect.. All the best to you !

Thursday, September 15, 2011

'cause that's what friends Are supposed to do...

I miss talking to you babe ... I seem lost when i got fight again with myself... And when i look beside me you seem gone! U have promises me that what ever happen in our life is ; we will be forever friend right ! Right ...

I miss u badly , i write in fbs , i tried to smsing you .. And i try to call you ..

If u ever read my blog .. I dedicate this song for u !

Count On Me Lyrics

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

~Raya ! Raya ! Raya!~

Kita menyambut suasana kegembiraan musim hari raya sampai keakhir bulan Syawal. Didalam musim-musim kegembiraan hari raya ini ada juga yang berdukacita. Terutama mereka yang telah kehilangan sanak saudara yang terdekat, seperti yang berlaku keatas pemberita TV Bernama. Alfatihah, dan takziah kepada kaum kerabat beliau.

Cerita hariraya ini berlainan sedikit. Saya ingin mengupas keatas perkembangan atau kemodenan kaum Melayu didalam mereka menghadapi cabaran menjalani sebuah kehidupan berkeluarga.

Saya sendiri tidak pasti apakah perkembangan itu tapi yang pasti setiap tahun perayaan ini disambut dengan cara yang berbeza.Masih saya ingat ketika zaman sebelum mendirikan rumah tangga , jarang diberi peluang untuk meraikan bersama keluarga , sangkaan saya meleset. Saya ingatkan bila mendirikan rumah tangga saya pasti dapat merayakan perayaan itu bersama ibu dan bapa , adik adik dan pastinya bersama suami.

Jika ditanya apakah perasaan raya itu , sebenarnya ianya muzakarah , berkumpul bersama tapi semakin hari kehidupan ini lebih terdedah dengan mana perayaan itu disambut dengan bercuti bersama keluarga bukanlah perayaan itu satu sedekah.
Saya bukan menunding jari sekadar berkongsi kelemahan yang ada pada diri.

Doa saya untuk tahun hadapan , kalau ini sudah dicaturkan oleh yang Esa , saya mohon dan berdoa agar raya saya di makkah almukarramah ~ Insya allah

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jumaat al barakah ...

Dingin dan masih mengantuk tapi ku gagahi jua perjalanan pagi ini...
I don't know how to start but since I log in into my pc , i did not managed to do my job! Its all about the email that I had received today morning .. Not one .. But a few from different sender .. Although it was forwarding email... Tapi method nya sama di perbincangkan ...

nauzubillah min zalik! Terlalu ramai umat Muhamad terpesong akidah.. Aku insan yang kerdil cuma ingin mendapat syafaat nur nya dengan by my writing ... Moga pahala itu dapat dikongsikan bersama ...

Hati saya merintih ! Pedih bila baca kisah aishah bukhairi , anak melayu yang beragama islam memohon haknya sebagai menukar agama . Mungkin saya bukan alim , tapi bukan juga naif untuk menilai ... Saya search thru google and i got the info .. Masya allah ...
Anak yang dilahirkan dari seorang ayah nya adalah imam ! Bukan tu saja , anak yang dibesarkan dengan didikan mengenal allah , boleh mengatakan ayahnya mengurungnya .. Memaksanya .. Apakah kebebasan yang dicari, masya allah ... Betapa luluh hati seorang ayah , sedangkan kita anak kita menjawab hati terdetik inikan pula dituduh sedemikian rupa ...

Apa yang sangat ralat , bila undang undang itu rapuh ... Bila undang undang itu punyai banyak pilihan ... Saya baca juga kes Hartina haji kamarudin atau nama hindunya Nivasni Rajeswari.

Saya turut baca kisah Tun Salleh Abbas.. Masya allah.. Harga yang dibayar olehnya hanya allah yang dapat membalasnya ...

Sama samalah kita berdoa , panjatkan kesyukuran padanya moga kita terselamat dari fitnah ahkir zaman...

P/s: bila baca .. Try to seach nama nama di atas .. Pahami .. Maybe boleh olah dan put in ur ur blogs ... Sama sama kita ingat mengingati ... Sayangkan agama kita .. Insya allah

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wanita itu ...

I just finished watching the theater at malaymovie. Ntah kenapa tertarik to write kisah wanita ini ... Saya tidak mengenali but I remembered that I watched the documentary when I was in amsterdam "The Time Just Stool Still  dan Mansor Adabi turut dijemput diwawancara dalam documentary itu.

Natrah atau nama sebenarnya Maria Bertha Wolkenfelt seorang rakyat belanda yang di jaga keluarga angkat di Kemaman. Saya sendiri tidak pernah membaca atau terbaca atau dicerita kan mengenai wanita bernama Natrah sehingga melihat sendiri wawancara di TV Belanda. Masih ingat lagi saya bersama sama teman teman melihat wawancara itu, terdetik di akal fikiran kiranya ada movie atau cerita mengenainya saya ingin mengetahui.

Saya ingat bila saya bertanya pada abah , dia menyuruh saya bertanya pada arwah atuk ; Haji Jaafar Yunus sebab dulu atuk keje sebagai kastam di Chukai, Kemaman. He not reviled that much. Dia cuma cakap ada pertumpahan darah kerana marah sangat orang pada bangsa asing kerana memurtadkan Natrah. yang mana ummat Islam Tanah Melayu membuat rapat umum di Singapura dihadiri lebih 2,000 orang, yang mengakibatkan kematian  mempertahankan akidah seorang muslimah ...
Natrah tidak asing kepada mereka yang cintakan Islam bukan saja di negara ini bahkan umat Islam di seluruh dunia juga. Tragedi yang menimpa dirinya dan juga gara-garanya menjadi lambang kepada betapa pengorbanan umat Islam dalam membela agamanya terlalu tinggi dan luhur. Umat Islam bukan saja sanggup melakukan apa saja memperjudikan darah untuk menjaga kesucian agamanya sanggup digadai..Allahhuakbar!

Dan , lepas beberapa tahun saya dengar ada theater Natrah di IB, I'm so excited to go unfortunately the ticket has been sold very fast. And I remembered when I asked few friend to come along they never heard about Natrah. Mungkin saya bertuah kerana melihat documentary itu.. Itu pun kerana wawancara Cikgu Mansor seoarang melayu yang buat saya tertarik ingin tahu.Thank you kak Emma  , finally my imagination come true ... probably sebab is in dutch without the subtitle .. hehhe

Irioni nya ... jiwa saya tersentuh , dan saya pasti Natrah saat dan ketika itu menyayangi  ibu aminah . Walaupun tiada kebenaran hakiki diolog itu adalah benar . Namun saya diterapkan dengan derita wanita ini . Ditinggalkan ibu ketika zaman jepun , dikahwini atas dasar cinta pada usia 13tahun dan dilarikan kembali ke pangkuan keluarga yang beragama katolik sedangkan dibesarkan dan mengucap kalimah syahadah dengan lancar ! Allahu akbar!Mungkin juga perasaan sebak dan terharu akan memenuhi diri apabila mengenangkan nasib dan liku-liku kehidupan yang pernah ditempohi Natrah yang begitu sulit, tragis dan menyedihkan.
Sebenarnya perjalanan Natrah atas dunia ini sungguh mencabar peribadinya dan tidak terungkap oleh sesiapa pun secara hakiki.Entah bagaimana perasaan sebenar wanita ini. Deritanya amat panjang . Melahirkan zuriat yang ramai- sepuluh orang . Cerita nya berada didinding akhbar dia juga dikatakan ingin membunuh suaminya sendiri. Wallahualam bi shawab.
Tragedi yang berlaku di sebalik pencaroba dilalui Natrah adalah satu simbol dan papan tanda sejarah untuk umat Islam negara ini  yang mungkin sengaja dicetuskan Tuhan dengan tujuan-tujuannya yang harus ditafsirkan dengan makrifah mendalam. Saya sendiri tidak paham kenapa tiada yang perkatakan tentang wujudnya wanita bernama Natrah. Tidak diterapkan dalam pelajaran mengenali pejuang masa sekolah dulu .. even I'm sure some of us masih tidak tahu siapakah Natrah... Mungkin kerana sejarah itu milik Singapura , tetapi bukankah islam itu tiada sempadan? Tiada negeri , Tiada color membezakan ? Wallahualam bi shawab..

Di tahun 2009, tatkala Natrah kembali kepada Allah yang berita murtad bukan lagi berita yang menggemparkan.Selepas dia dilarikan , cerita itu lenyap.. Mungkin impact besar pada ketika kejadian tetapi selepas setahun tiada yang cuba mencarinya (Natrah) kembali. Saya bukan prujudice tetapi tiada fakta mengatakan bahawa usaha dilaksanakan walaupun saat itu Natrah sudah pulang ke negara asal. Mungkin ketika itu , islam tidak sekuat sekarang atau teknologi yang ada membuatkan islam itu maju.. Maaf itu cuma ideologist saya yang mungkin salah. Hatta ingin selitkan kalau kalau kita lupa cerita Raja Bahrin yang mempertahan agama anak anaknya , hingga sanggup jadi buruan pihak berkuasa Australia...Usahkan mahu memandang dengan sebelah mata, kewajaran murtad pula mahu dipertahankan!

Ketika umat Islam terbebas daripada penjajah British dan menjadi pemerintah di bumi sendiri, jiwa mereka yang pernah merdeka itu hakikatnya kembali terjajah terpenjara hingga tiada lagi suara yang membela , kerana Natrah meninggalkan kita dengan nama "Maria Bertha Hertogh" - Wallahualam bi shawab

Iftar ..burpppp

Rindu gila pada bonda, apatah lagi pada nenda yang banyak simpan kisah duka ... Tapi marah pada daddy masih ada .. Bukan apa lewat usianya something shouldn't be happen .. Happen ... Tapi bila ramadhan datang lagi .. Jiwa kecik ini tersentuh.. I miss them badly. I remembered i did called mom and she said proceed without them ...

Seingat aku , this is my first time gathered without our parents along .. As usual my handbeg always be myside.. Susah senang , tatkala marah or gembira ... They both also banyak simpan kisah duka mommy di perantauan ye tak ...

“Home is a place not only of strong affections, but of entire unreserved; it is life's undress rehearsal, its backroom, its dressing room, from which we go forth to more careful and guarded intercourse, leaving behind...cast-off and everyday clothing.”~ Harriet Beecher

We had a good time for iftar @ The Zon Residence . Good momment to be call classic one day ... To remember how we actually need each other ..

Honestly it was our first time together, dulu tak kesempatan .. Tambahan pula bila ada yang free ada yang cant make it .. Atau kita masih jahil untuk mengerti keindahan ramadhan ?
Ramadhan is something special walaupun aku sendiri masih belum terlalu bersatu untuk itu..

Percayalah ... Welcoming ramadhan is the best moment that i never felt before.Masya allah! Terima kasih Allah , hambamu ini terlalu taksub keindahan duniawi hingga lupa akan yang fardu.. Keindahan nya yang terlalu abstrack yang tak ternilai dengan hanya berpuasa tanpa mengerti mengapa ianya menjadi rukun islam Islam ketiga..

Ramadhan is a very important part of every Muslim’s life. Ramadhan is the month of giving and mercy, and during this month Allah blesses the believers with forgiveness and great reward.

This is a time to stop and contemplate, to look inwards and out, it is a time to set our goals. We should ask ourselves what we want to achieve this month, -something we will carry into our futures...
Keinsafan itu datang dari hati , bukan dibuat buat dengan kata-kata ...

For mom and dad we will see u both during raya , insya allah ...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Miss the thing ....

Lama ! Hati merajuk atau apa ntah aku pn kurang pasti .. Hanya allah yang mampu ku panjatkan segala derita ... Lama gila tak jumpa , tapi tak sangka i met him again di MAC boutique KLCC .. Arggg sama with the mother and with the only sister!

Dulu .. Pernah juga tersimpan satu dendam .. Yela mana tak nya , all about the mother ... All about the the sister.. Hehehh but today im a mother , i can even predict the feeling eventhough my children is growing now ..takutnyaaaa... Hahahhah ...

Ingat lagi dulu , bila dating je kena balik cepat nak antar kucing p vet la , dobi la ... Punya la susah nak spend masa sesama.. Tapi lama jugak relationship kami .. Five years although tak begitu setia ..hahahha
~ gaduh , baik balik , gaduh ... Kelakar ... Tapi tak da jodoh jugak ahkirnya .. Aku yang mengalah .. Angkat kaki , cari someone yang takda parents; bukan apa experince gila with someone that you love is actually mommy boy !

Dia masih segak , masih sweet ... Siap introduce aku pada mak nya yang kerek rambut blonde tu .. "nilah gf i yang tak jadi katanya "
Aku cuma senyum ... Malas nak melayan ... Ishhh classic !!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ramadhan datang lagi 2011

Terus-terang, aku memang suka sangat dengan kedatangan Ramadahan ini. Kalau zaman kanak-kanak/remaja dulu semasa di kampung, aku tak nafikan suka amat dengan kepelbagaian juadah , keluarga besar jadi waktu berbuka itu terasa sangat indah dengan riuhan sana kami yang suka berebut2 makanan. Walaupun juadah kami tidak semewah mana, tetapi aktiviti ‘berebut’ itulah yang membuatkan kami berselera makan dan mengeratkan lagi hubungan kekeluargaan. Seronoknya menikmati zaman itu tambahan pula arwah atuk masih ada saat itu ... terasa meriah saya hingga sekarang , terasa arwah atuk masih segar tatkala ramadhan datang .. teratak itu tempat kami ber terawih setiap kali semua berkumpul ...

Apabila mula bekerja , aku agak lupa pada ramadhan .. Bukan lupa keindahan ramadhan tapi lupa juadahnya , lupa terawih nya; aku tak ingat sepanjang bekerja aku ada jejaki kaki di masjid untuk ibadah terawih... betapa ruginya aku ... aku tak ingat bila aku menziarahi bazar ramadhan sepanjang ramadhan tapi itu semua dulu ; sudah tiga kali aku mengisafi kehadiran ramadhan . Menangisi agar ramadhan datang lagi .. Bermutajat agar dia hadir lagi ... betapa indahnya jiwa tatkala dia hadir .. betapa sejuknya hati tatkala dia menghampiri .. Allahhuakbar !

Bagaimana andainya Ramadhan kali ini tidak dapat aku temui? Mungkinkah nyawaku ditarik sebelum sempatnya Ramadhan kembali? Segala persoalan ku tahu tidak akan terjawab namun, aku kembali memohon kepada Dia, Allah S.W.T, panjangkanlah usia hambamu ini, dan berikanlah kesempatan memenuhi Ramadhan-Mu lagi. Kerana Ramadhan dahulu aku telah mengecewakan Mu, Ya Allah. Kerana Ramadhan dahulu aku telah banyak mensia-siakan Ramadhan dengan kealpaan dan kemungkaran.
Ramadhan, bulan penuh keberkatan. Mengapa ia dikatakan begini? Sudah tentu semua telah maklum bahawa Ramadhan merupakan satu-satunya bulan yang kita diuji dengan pelbagai corak ujian untuk mengukur kesabaran demi memperoleh seribu kebaikkan daripadanya. Masya-Allah!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sista,my simple message is....

Sis ,
Breaking up is never fun. The end of a relationship means the beginning of a period of mourning and healing for both people. If the break up was mutual both people will experience a period of adjustment where they are getting used to no longer being together. If the break up was not mutual the person who ended things may be dealing with guilt and feelings that they may have made a mistake. The person being broken up with will definitely have to adjust, first to being rejected and second to life without somebody they still care for. How do you get through those first few weeks? Here we list eight essential things everybody must do in the early days of a break up to let the healing begin.

When you called me and told me that you ex now with his ex. It keep smiling until to my ear. Did you know there 10 list principle we shouldn't when we broke up and one of it is :-

~ Don’t slip up and get together with your ex. When you are feeling sad or missing a relationship it can be very easy to fall back in to the arms of your ex but DO NOT DO THIS. This will only set you back and let’s face it, if things ended the relationship wasn’t perfect to begin with so why would you want to rekindle things?

Babe ,

my simple message is :-
Maintain a strict no contact policy and stick with it. Don’t pass notes through friends. Don’t make any calls. Stay away from instant messaging or texting on your cell. Just don’t contact your ex until you are totally and completely sure you no longer want to be with him or her. It is the only way.
MOVE YOUR ASS !! look something better in real life ..

If they don't say "I love you, too," it's still okay. You're better off revealing your feelings than hiding them and getting hurt down the line. Besides, just because someone doesn't love you right this instant doesn't mean they won't feel it later on.

i do love you ... xoxo

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Age only the number ..

Dear mom & dad ,
Thanks for the greeting cards.I am proud to be your Little Girl! Whether I need a little extra spending money, a light bulb replaced, a sounding board, or some sympathy, you are always there for me. Thank you for being such a fantastic. I lucked out!

Dear family members,
I just wanted to thank you again for the impromptu birthday celebration at your beautiful home. The festive dining table, fantastic dinner and even presents... thanks once again..What I do have of course is all of you and that makes every day special. I appreciate all you did very much, including your time and attention in the midst of your own hectic schedules. Thanks for beautiful present ...and the food was awesome ...
Those who not around it's okay ..thanks for the wishes and the gift ,I wanted to let all of you to know how much it means to me. Your thoughtfulness always makes my days a little brighter,you have a knack for always saying or doing the right thing. I'm lucky that you're so skilled at getting past my flaws and concentrating on what's good. What would I ever do without all of you ...

Dear friend ,
You are so sweet to remember my big day! I was trying to forget it but when your gift arrived, I was actually glad it really was my birthday. I love the gift and all the wishes.. Thanks again for thinking of me..It's rare to find a friend with whom you can trust with your most personal thoughts, but also who won't be judgmental and who truly cares about you and wants to help. How lucky I am to have found such a wonderful friend as you. I only hope I can be half as good a friend to you. It's people like you who make a true difference in this world!

Dear mr hubby ,

I am simply put you for the last paragraph.. Cause so many thing that I need you to know ...
First ;-Thanks for being my Husband.., Thanks for thinking about me.., Thanks for care about me..,Thanks for everything you did for me.., You shouldn’t have But I’m so glad you did..
Second:- Wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you one who showered me with love, cards, cash, meal, calls, e-mails, and birthday greetings.
Third :- Thanks for surprise party , lunch at One Utama, Dinner @ San Fransisco Pizza and the supper @ Tutti Frutti .
Thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedules and to brighten up my birthday like Robert Frost once said, "“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.” Thanks for being diplomatic another year.

Many thanks to all of you !

Friday, May 27, 2011

Differences between muffin vs cupcakes?

His smile, his smell , his touch, his eyes things that I thought to forget that keep popping into my mind memories teard apart my days months years and I kept waiting and nothing kept happening...hahahha !!Oppss it's not true ! But what I can remember is "I have forget about the price tags !

Honestly I missed him . Miss his smile .. miss the way he treat me ... ! Its not crap ! I believe that part of growing up and becoming an adult in relationships is knowing when - and how - to let go in a war-of-strong-wills. To get out of that situation - when neither wants to be the first to attempt detente - takes a great deal of emotional maturity and not a small amount of wisdom. I'm not sure that was there. I think it could develop, but it hadn't yet ...Despite all this .. what I know the next day .. I felt sorry what were happen between us.. but for sure I would never lie to him.. I am not capable of giving him what he deserve in a relationship, even an "alternative" relationship, so, we should stop seeing each other. I think he his awesome, but I think it's impossible to be together.

When we no longer have access to the one person we knew inside and out, we tell ourselves that just having a glimpse of their life after us is all we need to move on. Sometimes, when we say that all we want is to know, all we really want is to not have to even think about it.

After all I met him again in very simple occasion that I would never thought to have a great chance to meet him again. He never changed.. but honestly I miss him . In the end, I said the truth, cliche as it may have been— it’s not you it’s me. We sat there awkwardly for a while..

So here I am, an hour later, feeling somewhat like a traitor writing about doing exactly what drives most people to seek refuge on this blog in the first place, but let it be known that no matter what side you’re on, no matter how wrong it all was anyways ~~

I know you always care
You always forgive me
You make sure everything is ok
You always tell me so...
I don't need you next to me
To know that you always around ..
cause I know you do babe ! 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Asmara ||| Love

Was talking to a friend and the question came up, what one piece of advice could I give him from this journey?To answer the question with just one idea is very difficult but the one I choose is: We all have the ability to control how we react to any and everything...

It would be easy for me to be angry, to be bitter, to be jealous, and to be in despair. However, I choose to love, to laugh, to live, and to inspire...

Today, I am a total quadriplegic with virtually no movement (take that back...I can chew). The crazy thing is if I went to a doctor for him to evaluate my lungs and diaphragm he would say, "dude, how are you still here!" Well maybe they wouldn't have said dude but it's my words.

Thank God my handbags basically keeps me breathing so that; we can enjoy our love for each other in small peaceful moments.

Thinking about this, the next time you have a bad day remember me and understand how you react - is your choice...

p/s: Understand how you react is your choice ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Lets keep this thread interesting and lets take a moment to think about the best of our husband. Every day in and day out we love,fight,understand,quarrel, bite,pinch,cry,smile and hug.
This is life...But we all should accept that our husband is the only soul created and bonded especially for us.It is just that situation and once's emotions/mood that keep happy or wild..
and lets rejoice with the one who is specially made for us and lets keep loving them forever :)

1) Was your's love or arranged marriage?
2) Your husband's pet name for you?
3) What is your husband's shirt and trouser size, fav dish,color,hobby ?
4) Do you like if you husband talks or gets close to his mom and his family
(need honest answers ?
5) List the top 5 best qualities of your husband ?
6)What aspects do you think that your husband should change for you (3 points)?
7)What do you feel is the secret of successful marriage ( 3 points) ?
** if u guys unable to answer 4 from 7 question , please learn to know your hubby better ~

Wishing you all happy happy married life forever.

** copy same from others blogger ..

Friday, April 22, 2011

A visit

We managed to park on the grass adjacent to the small car park most times but on one occasion, at the weekend, took what was the last space in the car park across the road.

Pack your stuff , sit back relax and enjoy the journey.

We had an extremely enjoyable stay here for a short trip. Arrived a couple of hours early but were checked in right away to our room – a premium water chalet – would recommend these as the view is right across the sea rather than to other chalets as shown in my photo. The room was clean and pleasantly spacious and we loved the outside shower/bathroom arrangement. The free Wifi worked very well.

The pools were all good though we spent most of our time by the adult one (as did the peacocks). The other pools were just as good and had more sections to interest children.

We found all the staff very friendly and helpful, particularly those in the restaurants. We had several buffets and enjoyed them very much, they were not cheap but we were hungry as we do not eat much lunch so we had value for money.

Regarding less favorable comments made by previous reviewers – we had no problems of any sort with insects; possibly it was the time of year or they had successfully dealt with them. Breakfast was acceptable and enjoyable though sometimes rather crowded but this was to be expected during school holidays and the staff were always very good at refilling everything and getting anything extra we wanted.

Overall an excellent holiday and we shall be back

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Alfatihah buat Aziz moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat~

11.20@5th March 2011 , my hubby received a phone call from his friend saying that his best friend just passed away. Quite shock because they both , Aziz and him just had discussed about the business that his (my husband) running now ,they just met yesterday.
He (my husband) call another friend to double confirm the story.No one knows, then he decided to call Aziz handphone yet no reply.

It happens when we on our way to fetching out our daughter back from School Marathon. Earlier we wanted to have nasi ayam kampung at Cheras but finally he decided to changed the plan because he wanted to go to Aziz house for confirmation. Around 1.50 , we about to reach home ; Yus called , (Aziz's wife) confirmed that Aziz has passed away. We quite shock but we pray to god the he will place at the best people, Isya Allah.
The story begin : He drove his van ( his a tour guide) with about 8 people supposed to visit Cameron Highland. At Tapah , he had chest pain and he stop at one of the rest house. He had attack . Bring him to hospital and his confirmed dead at 11 am.
~life very simple is it ? but what I want is to share what should we do when we had the attack or some one that we love has a chest pain. Please dont take things simple.

Heart attack

A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies oxygen to your heart muscle becomes blocked. A heart attack may cause chest pain that lasts 15 minutes or longer. But a heart attack can also be silent and produce no signs or symptoms.
Many people who experience a heart attack have warning symptoms hours, days or weeks in advance. The earliest warning sign of an attack may be ongoing episodes of chest pain that start when you're physically active, but are relieved by rest.
Someone having a heart attack may experience any or all of the following:
  • Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes
  • Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms
  • Light headedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath
Example:(Submitted, August 2007) Subject: IMPORTANT read this! Cough CPR
A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.

Read this... It could save your life!! Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!

It sound so conservative but really I am too scared when received a called saying that someone dead because of the heart attack. Its too common now but please do read the article cause it might helps us~
Life is not that we think but at least its prevention before we give up right ...

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